”Mathias Althoff is a Vice Chief Investment Officer and Partner at Tundra Fonder, a Stockholm-based asset manager that specialises in frontier markets. He says determining whether BRI investment in Africa is positive or not “isn’t a simple yes or no question,” but that he would be more inclined to say “yes”.
Althoff adds that BRI infrastructure projects could be particularly useful in Africa by unlocking economic potential. “Africa [consists of] 54 countries and they’re all very different,” Althoff tells The Africa Report. “But in general, they’re all very underdeveloped: it’s probably the continent with the biggest need for infrastructure on the planet. The lack of roads, railways, and electricity is a huge obstacle for industrialisation and economic growth.””
The Africa Report intervjuar Tundras förvaltare Mathias Althoff om Kinesiska investeringar i Afrika.
Läs hela intervjun här (betalvägg).