In August 2015 Tundra launched a unique new fund offering exposure to frontier markets combined with an investment process based on sustainable investments.

Frontier markets are the new emerging markets. Countries such as Vietnam, Bangladesh, Nigeria and Pakistan are about to repeat the economic success India and China already have had. The development is driven by a young, fast growing population which thanks to education gradually is becoming more productive.

Infrastructure investments, urbanization, foreign direct investments and increasing political stability combined with economic reforms are also contributing positively.

The fund applies a sustainability approach to the investment process. Companies involved in the production and marketing of tobacco, alcohol, weapons, pornography or commercial gambling are excluded from the fund. Companies breaching the UN Conventions are also excluded. The sustainability process is based on so called Engagement where Tundra has dialogues with companies breaching the conventions.

Sustainable frontier A SEK
Monthly updates, News, Sustainable
INFLATION, RATE HIKES, CURRENCY WEAKNESS – A TOUGH MONTH The fund rose 2.8% in USD (-2.1% in EUR) in November, underperforming our benchmark MSCI Frontier Markets ex GCC Index move...

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"Economic turmoil in Sri Lanka signals that China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) will have to redefine its aims and create a plan that is more financially realistic. Sri Lanka...

Monthly updates, News, Sustainable
THE FUND HELD UP WELL DURING A WEAK MONTH In USD the fund fell 2.2% (EUR: -3.4%) during the month, compared to MSCI FMxGCC Net TR (USD) which fell 4.5%...

Africa, News, Sustainable, Tundra in the news
The Africa Report: Could China’s BRI regain momentum in Africa?
"Mathias Althoff is a Vice Chief Investment Officer and Partner at Tundra Fonder, a Stockholm-based asset manager that specialises in frontier markets. He says determining whether BRI investment in Africa...

Tundra Sustainable Frontier Fund to be merged into another fund

Tundra Fonder has decided to merge Tundra Sustainable Frontier Fund into Tundra Frontier Opportunities Fund through an absorption where as a result of the merger both funds will become one single fund. The decision to merge the two funds was made because the investment strategies for both funds were very similar post the introduction of sustainability screening in the investment process. Furthermore, the merged fund can be managed more efficiently. Similar to Tundra Sustainable Frontier Fund, Tundra Frontier Opportunities Fund is an actively managed equity fund focusing on frontier markets i.e. new emerging markets. Both funds apply a sustainability approach to fund management and as of November 6th 2017 Tundra Frontier Opportunities Fund’s sustainability criteria will be identical to that of Tundra Sustainable Frontier Fund.

Tundra Sustainable Frontier Fund will cease to exist after the merger has taken place and unit holders choosing not to act, i.e. not exercising their right in accordance with chapter 8, paragraph 11 of The Swedish Mutual Funds Act to redeem their units prior to the merger will become unit holders of Tundra Frontier Opportunities Fund. The value of unit holders’ investments will not change as a result of the merger. Unit holders do not have to take any action to participate in the merger.

Subscription and redemption in Tundra Sustainable Frontier Fund will take place as normal up until 2.30pm CET November 3rd 2017. After this, subscription and redemption will no longer be possible. The merger, which has been approved by the Swedish FSA, takes place on November 6th 2017.

Tundra Frontier Opportunities Fund will change its name to Tundra Sustainable Frontier Fund. The change in name will be accompanied by some minor changes to the fund rules in conjunction with the merger.

Tundra Sustainable Frontier Fund has been awarded the prestigious “Best Fund” in the category “Rising Star of the Year 2016” by Privata Affärer. “A modern fund, working for a better world”.

Fund Nav Currency 1D % 3M % YTD % 1Y % 3Y % START Date
Tundra Sustainable Front A 113.12 SEK 0.1 0.1 - 0.1 0.1 13.1 03 Nov 2017


Launch date: : 3 Aug 2015
Management fee (ann): 2.5%
Risk level: see KIID for details
Manager: Mattias Martinsson
Benchmark index:
Bank account: SEB 5851-1107312
ISIN: SE0005797206


Mattias Martinsson (Lead porfolio manager)

Johan Elmquist
Mathias Althoff
Shamoon Tariq


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Capital invested in a fund may either increase or decrease in value and it is not certain that you will be able to recover all of your investment. Historical return is no guarantee of future return.

The Full Prospectus, KIID etc. are available on our homepage. You can also contact us to receive the documents free of charge.

Please contact us if you require any further information:+46 8-55 11 45 70