• Emerging markets continued to deliver positive return for a fifth month in a row (MSCI Emerging Markets +3.2% in SEK). A streak of similar length has not happened since the fall of 2010.
• Frontier markets also gave positive return during June, +2.4% in SEK (MSCI Frontier Markets xGCC Net).
• Risk appetite was on the rise the past month and the BRIC markets as well as some of the high beta frontier markets (Argentina and Kazakhstan) hence unsurprisingly outperformed in June.
• Worthwhile noticing is that the Russian market has risen more than 30% (in SEK) since the mid-March trough. Tundra Rysslandsfond is the best performing Russia fund year-to-date out of the 27 sold in Sweden.
Read the entire update here.
Kundgrupp / Investortype:
* Ontario and Quebec