Monthly updates, News

• A weak month for smaller frontier markets led by the two most important markets Nigeria and Pakistan. We describe the background to the turbulence in Nigeria and what we see coming in the text for Tundra NSSA.

• After three months in Sweden it is also time to temporarily say goodbye to our dear colleague Shamoon Tariq who will now go back to Pakistan to open the doors to our research office. During his months in Stockholm Shamoon has come to be a highly appreciated colleague and friend. Although his energy will be missed in the Stockholm office, it is with confidence we see Tundra Fonder now establishing in Karachi. 2014 will be the year when Tundra takes a big step in the in-depth focus on frontier markets. The office consolidates our leading position in Pakistan while creating a foundation for further analysis in other Asian frontier markets having all our key markets in Asia only a few hours’ flight away.

Read the entire update here.

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