Tundra Shikari Global


The Fund is a special fund pursuant to the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act (“AIFMA”) and is directed to professional investors according to chapter 9, section 4, in the Securities Market Act (2007:528). The Fund’s strategy is to actively allocate funds between equities and equity related transferable securities and fixed income financial instruments within the Fund’s geographical strategy in accordance with such allocation assessed from time to time as providing optimal conditions for generating positive return. For more information, read the Prospectus.

Activity level

A relevant benchmark index is missing as the fund aims for absolute return.


Click here to access the latest NAV for Tundra Shikari Global.

Sustainability-related disclosures

Click here for sustainability-related disclosures for Tundra Shikari Global. If you want to read more about Tundra’s sustainability efforts, click here.

External mandates

Tundra Fonder AB has been authorized to conduct discretionary portfolio management since November 6, 2015.

Tundra Fonder’s accomplished management team has developed a robust investment process that has delivered returns since the company’s founding in 2011. We are deeply committed to sustainable investing, integrating ESG factors (Environmental, Social, Governance) into our analytical processes to create long-term value.

We manage Ruth Asset Management’s emerging market fund, Ruth Core Emerging Markets, and the emerging markets exposure in the multi-asset funds Intensity By Ruth, Expansion By Ruth, and Balance By Ruth.

Learn more about Ruth’s funds here.